
 2024-03-14  阅读 141  评论 0

  • 1、2023年4月雅思考试(4月10日)阅读真题答案
  • 2、呼伦贝尔雅思阅读解题技巧解析
  • 3、雅思阅读动植物类真题及答案:wwW.shengXueLi.cOmThePearl


您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。在追寻留学梦想的路上,选择合适的学校和专业,准备相关考试,都可能让人感到迷茫和困扰。作为一名有经验的留学顾问,我在此为您提供全方位的专业咨询和指导。欢迎随时提问! 想要去出国留学,就必须要去完成雅思考试,并且要在该考试里拿到不错的分数。如果大家在考试前有看过以往考试的真题以及答案解析,对于自己的考试是有很多用处的。那么今天就到小钟老师来看一看雅思考试2023年4月10日雅思阅读部分的考试真题答案。 2023年4月10日雅思阅读真题及答案: Passage 1 主题:自助超市 题型:填空+ 匹配+选择 Passage 2 主题: 水母泛滥的原因及影响 题型:匹配+填空+多选 Passage 3 主题:人类的进化 题型:判断+单选+填空 为何雅思考试阅读总是做不完: 基础薄弱导致读太慢: 很多童鞋的基础不够好,主要体现在词汇量不够及语法掌握不牢,这就会导致题目文章理解困难,分不清复杂句结构,导致抓不住重点。 针对这两点你需要做的是: 1、牢固掌握雅思阅读高频词 2、对文章进行生词和同义替换的总结 同意替换词是雅思阅读最大的出题点,自己进行总结,能帮助自己更深入的理解。 3、掌握雅思阅读重点句型 雅思阅读重在转折、并列、因果等逻辑上的考察,补好基础语法后,需要在这些逻辑句型上花费更多的时间去掌握。 长时间紧扣单个句子: 很多同学会对每个单词逐一停顿,并逐一翻译地阅读,强迫症式地想完全理解每句话的意思,这样会浪费很多时间,也完全没有必要。 在雅思阅读中,要以意群、句子,甚至几个句子为一个单位移动,必要的时候进行跳读。 掌握基础语法和逻辑后,读不懂的快读,读得懂的抓住重点。 还有同学低声朗读或嘴唇蠕动着默读,用手或笔指着卷面一排排地导读,这些都是严重影响阅读速度的坏习惯,现在开始,童鞋们就应有意识的抑制这些习惯性行为。 时间快用完时紧张负面情绪: 在考场上,很多同学越想按时完成越是紧张。一旦一篇文章没有及时做完,后面就慢慢心态崩了... 其实,大家的目标不是9分的话,就不是 非得做完全部的题目,最重要的是,保证已做的题全部正确。 所以在平常的练习中,先保证正确率,前期可以仔细地慢慢做,做到每题全对; 后期熟练做题并牢固掌握词汇语法后,要在1小时内达到40个全对的目标,第一遍对错误的题进行总结,第二遍继续练习直到1小时内全对为止。 最后,不能单纯追求词汇量的提高,真正掌握一个单词在语境中的意思,比自我感动式的狂刷单词有用得多。 雅思考试阅读有哪些考试顺序: 1、何为“顺序原则” “顺序原则”即雅思官方在题型特点注释中所述的“Answers are in passage order.”说的复杂一些,便是:若某一题型符合“Answers are in passage order”的描述,该题型所包含的几个题目的答案在文中分布的相应位置随题号的变大而逐渐靠后。Sounds like a mouthful, right? 简而言之吧,就是这种题型考生可以顺着题号一题一题地往文章更靠后的位置找,比较符合正常人的阅读习惯(相信很少有人上来先读一篇文章的第三段,或者第四段吧)。 2、顺序原则与题型 宏观地看一篇雅思阅读文章包涵的全部题型,答案分布的顺序也符合题型出现的先后顺序,例如全文包含先判断题,后填空题这两种题型,则较有可能出现的情况是判断题答案分布在文章的前半部分,而填空题在文章后半部分。例如: 剑桥雅思真题集系列7,Test 4 Passage 1: 前7题判断题分布于前6个段落,剩下的段落填空题分布于第9段,和前面7段无关。 3、顺序原则之于解题的指导方针 最后来说说顺序原则和解题过程的关系。两者的关系主要体现在前者对如何读题干的影响。对于遵守顺序题型的题型,考生在审阅题干时候可以选择审一题解一题的做法,因为相关内容在文中按顺序出现,这样做考生也会感到循序渐进,脉络清楚。当然,选择在一开始讲该题型的每个题干都审阅一遍也未尝不可,可先完成较容易定位的题目,再活用顺序原则,缩小较难定位题目所需的搜索范围。对于乱序题型,特别是段落信息配对题,考生须在文中搜索答案之前审阅全部题干,最好读两遍以加深印象:因为信息在文中的分布为乱序,所以第1题的信息有可能出现在比如,倒数第二段,而我们的阅读顺序,如前文所述,肯定是从头段至尾段的。若读一题做一题便可能会出现做一题就耗去读全篇的时间,得不偿失。题号大的题目在这一题型中是很有可能比题号小的题目更早做出来的。 希望以上的答复能对您的留学申请有所帮助。如果您有任何更详细的问题或需要进一步的协助,我强烈推荐您访问我们的留学官方网站 ,在那里您可以找到更多专业的留学考试规划和留学资料以及*的咨询服务。祝您留学申请顺利!





在做题目之前注意要求,如:TRUR/FALSE/NOT GIVEN或YES/NO/NOT GIVEN,要按要求写到答题纸上。做题技巧:先在题目中的句子定位信号词,名词是关键的信号词,但是一定要挑选出“长相别致”的名词,如果题目中的名词在文章的“TITLE”中出现,千万不要当成信号词,因为很多段落中都会出现该名词,很难判断出题目落在哪个段落。如果能找到特别的名词很容易就可以准确地定位段落了。若在题目中真的无法找到合适的名词,可以换其他词性(雅思阅读主要考查六种词性,包含名词),下面按照其他词性列举出来考查重点,主要考点:形容词和副词是对它们的比较级、最高级和反义词进行考查;动词主要对其同义词、反义词和该动词的范围程度(如题目中用LESSEN,而原文中用ELIMINATE)设有考点;数词的考试重点在英语和*数字的互相转换(50%--FIFTY PERCENT/HALF);连词往往是在文章本身中隐含答案,最常暗示答案的几个连词是BUT,HOWEVER,WHILE,AND,ALSO,MOREOVER.雅思阅读对冠词、介词、代词、感叹词这四种词性基本不进行考查。通过词性定位好段落后,把含定位词的整个句子划线,不要只看半句话,以免与题目理解有误。然后,对题目本身做个心里翻译,再把原文和题目进行对照和比较,作出相应的判断。




“首尾句原则”比较适合快速而且准确地做好这个题型。官方的出题思路通常是把答案落在段落的第一句或最后一句,如果在这两句中找不到答案,最好往文章第二句或第三句找,依据上述四句话基本可以把答案找到。另外,注意选项LIST OF HEADINGS中所提供词汇与原文的同义词代换。


先通过题干把定位词划出来,然后对应所在的段落。对选择题必须对每个选项要有准确的理解,最主要的方法是对答案“排除法”,有些答案通过对文章的大概理解就可以排除。倘若选项当中含有ONLY,ALL, NOTHING,NEVER,EVERY等词,通常可以使用“绝对词原则”。另外,若选项当中有答案很相近的地方,可以通过“部分相同原则”(也称之为双胞胎原则),但这两个原则并不是100%适用,仅作为一个重要技巧的参考方法。对选择“TITLE”题的做法,有时不用太看懂文章,直接看答案就可以做出来,值得一提的是,一定要筛选最概括的答案,不能选择很细节的答案。

II. 阅读题干,划出定位词

上面这个例子涉及的是学术论文中实验类文章结构对于段落细节配对题的辅助解题思路。下面我们再来看一个说明文结构对于解决其他题型作用的例子:剑桥雅思真题集4 Test 1 Passage 2 “What do whales Feel?”。


C、worked together well as a group in solving problems。






略读就是快速阅读一个段落,了解中心意思,而忽略细节。这种技巧可以用来回答:“给出一个段落的小标题 ”或是“在那个段落中提到这个信息?”或是“作者的观点”这类的题目。





答案在文章里面出现的顺序通常与问题的顺序是一致的,例如第4题的答案通常会比第5题的答案先出现。不过这主要看问题的类型,如果问题问的是 In which paragraph does this information appear?" 以及Yes / No / Not given类型的问题,那么答案就不一定是按顺序了。



最难的是 True / False / Not given 与Yes / No / Not given 类型的题目。平时多练习做这种题型,考试的时候要记住看清楚要你回答True / False还是Yes / No,不要用True / False回答Yes/No,也不要用Yes/No回答True/False,这种回答会被视为错误而没有分数。



做好雅思的阅读题除了掌握对的 方法 ,也离不开我们日常的辛勤练习,下面我给大家带来雅思阅读动 植物类 真题及答案:The Pearl,一起加油吧!

雅思阅读动植物类真题:The Pearl

The Pearl


Throughout history, pearls have held a unique presence within the wealthy

and powerful. For instance, the pearl was the favored gem of the wealthy

during the Roman Empire. This gift from the sea had been brought back from

the orient by the Roman conquests. Roman women wore pearls to bed so

they could be reminded of their wealth immediately upon waking up. Before

jewelers learned to cut gems, the pearl was of greater value than the diamond.

In the Orient and Persia Empire, pearls were ground into powders to cure

anything from heart disease to epilepsy, with possible aphrodisiac uses as well.

Pearls were once considered an exclusive privilege for royalty. A law in 1612

drawn up by the Duke of Saxony prohibited the wearing of pearls by nobility,

professors, doctors or their wives in an effort to further distinguish royal

appearance. American Indians also used freshwater pearls from the Mississippi

River as decorations and jewelry.


There are essentially three types of pearls: natural, cultured and imitation. A

natural pearl (often called an Oriental pearl) forms when an irritant, such as

a piece of sand, works its way into a particular species of oyster, mussel, or

clam. As a defense mechani*, the mollusk secretes a fluid to coat the irritant.

Layer upon layer of this coating is deposited on the irritant until a lustrous

pearl is formed.


The only difference natural pearls and cultured pearls is that the irritant is

a surgically implanted bead or piece of shell called Mother of Pearl. Often,

these shells are ground oyster shells that are worth

significant amounts of money in their own right as

irritant-catalysts for quality pearls. The resulting

core is, much larger than in a natural pearl. Yet,

as long as there are enough layers of nacre (the

secreted fluid covering the irritant) to result in a

beautiful, gem-quality pearl, the size of the nucleus

is of no consequence to beauty or durability.


Pearls can come from either salt or freshwater sources. Typically, saltwater

pearls tend to be higher quality, although there are several types of freshwater

pearls that are considered high in quality as well. Freshwater pearls tend to

be very irregular in shape, with a puffed rice appearance the most prevalent.

Nevertheless, it is each individual pearls merits that determines value more

than the source of the pearl. Saltwater pearl oysters are usually cultivated in

protected lagoons or volcanic atolls. However, most freshwater cultured pearls

sold today come from China. Cultured pearls are the response of the shell to a

tissue implant. A tiny piece of mantle tissue from a donor shell is transplanted

into a recipient shell. This graft will form a pearl sac and the tissue will

precipitate calcium carbonate into this pocket. There are a number of options

for producing cultured pearls: use freshwater or seawater shells, transplant

the graft into the mantle or into the gonad, add a spherical bead or do it nonbeaded.

The majority of saltwater cultured pearls are grown with beads.


Regardless of the method used to acquire a pearl, the process usually takes

several years. Mussels must reach a mature age, which can take up t0 3 years,

and then be implanted or naturally receive an irritant. Once the irritant is

in place, it can take up to another 3 years for the pearl to reach its full size.

Often, the irritant may be rejected, the pearl will be terrifically misshapen, or

the oyster may simply die from disease or

countless other complications. By the end

of a 5 t0 10 year cycle, only 50% of the

oysters will have survived. And of the pearls

produced, only approximately 5% are of

substantial quality for top jewelry makers.

From the outset, a pearl fanner can figure

on spending over $100 for every oyster

that is farmed, of which many will produce

nothing or die.


Imitation pearls are a different story

altogether. In most cases, a glass bead is

dipped into a solution made from fish

scales. This coating is thin and may

eventually wear off. One can usually

tell an imitation by biting on it. Fake

pearls glide across your teeth, while the

layers of nacre on real pearls feel gritty.

The Island of Mallorca (in Spain) is known for its imitation pearl industry.

Quality natural pearls are very rare jewels. The actual value of a natural pearl

is determined in the same way as it would be for other “precious” gems.

The valuation factors include size, shape, color, quality of surface, orient

and luster. In general, cultured pearls are less valuable than natural pearls,

whereas imitation pearls almost have no value. One way that jewelers can

determine whether a pearl is cultured or natural is to have a gem lab perform

an x-ray of the pearl. If the x-ray reveals a nucleus, the pearl is likely a beadnucleated

saltwater pearl. If no nucleus is present, but irregular and *all dark

inner spots indicating a cavity are visible, combined with concentric rings of

organic substance, the pearl is likely a cultured freshwater. Cultured freshwater

pearls can often be confused for natural pearls which present as homogeneous

pictures which continuously darken toward the surface of the pearl. Natural

pearls will often show larger cavities where organic matter has dried out and

decomposed. Although imitation pearls look the part, they do not have the

same weight or *oothness as real pearls, and their luster will also dim greatly.

Among cultured pearls, Akoya pearls from Japan are some of the most lustrous.

A good quality necklace of 40 Akoya pearls measuring 7mm in diameter sells

for about $1,500, while a super- high quality strand sells for about $4,500. Size

on the other hand, has to do with the age of the oyster that created the pearl (the

more mature oysters produce larger pearls) and the location in which the pearl

was cultured. The South Sea waters of Australia tend to produce the larger

pearls; probably because the water along the coast line is supplied with rich

nutrients from the ocean floor. Also, the type of mussel common to the area

seems to possess a predilection for producing comparatively large pearls.


Historically, the world’s best pearls came from the Persian Gulf, especially

around what is now Bahrain. The pearls of the Persian Gulf were natural

created and collected by breath-hold divers. The secret to the special luster of

Gulf pearls probably derived from the unique mixture of sweet and salt water

around the island. Unfortunately, the natural pearl industry of the Persian Gulf

ended abruptly in the early 1930’s with the discovery of large deposits of

oil. Those who once dove for pearls sought prosperity in the economic boom

ushered in by the oil industry. The water pollution resulting from spilled oil

and indiscriminate over-fishing of oysters essentially ruined the once pristine

pearl producing waters of the Gulf. Today, pearl diving is practiced only as

a hobby. Still, Bahrain remains one of the foremost trading centers for high

quality pearls. In fact, cultured pearls are banned from the Bahrain pearl

market, in an effort to preserve the location’s heritage. Nowadays, the largest

stock of natural pearls probably resides in India. Ironically, much of India’s

stock of natural pearls came originally from Bahrain. Unlike Bahrain, which

has essentially lost its pearl resource, traditional pearl fishing is still practiced

on a *all scale in India.


1 A

【原文参考依据-A】第2句话 the pearl was the favored gem of th wealthy during the Roman Empire.在罗马帝国时代,珍珠是深受富人喜爱的宝物。

2 E

【原文参考依据-E】第一句话Regardless of the method used to acquire a pearl,the process usually takes several years.不管用什么方法去获取珍珠,这个过程通常需要几年。所以对应题干中的difficulties.

3 F

4 C

【原文参考依据-c】第一句话The only difference natural pearls and cultured pearls is that the irrtant is a surfically implanted bead or piece of shell called Mother of Pearl.天然珍珠和人工养殖珍珠的唯一差别在于人工养殖珍珠的*物是一个通过外科手术植入的珠子或者小块的壳,被称作珍珠母。


【原文参考依据-A】第四句话Roman women wore pearls to bed so they could be reminded of their wealth immediately upon waking up.罗马女人还戴着珍珠上床睡觉,这样她们一觉醒来看到珍珠的时候,马上就能看到自己是多么的富有。

6 J【原文参考依据-A】第6句话 In the orient and PersiaEmpire,pearls were ground into powders to cure anything from heart disease to epilepsy,with possible aphrodisiac as well.在亚洲和波斯特帝国,珍珠被磨成珍珠粉用来治疗从心脏病到癫痫的各种疾病。

7 K【原文参考依据-F】The Island of Mallorca (inSpain)is known for its imitation pearl industry.西班牙的马略卡岛以生产人造珍珠首饰而著名

8F【原文参考依据-F 】Among cultured pearls ,Akoya pearls from Japan are some of the most lustrous.产自日本的珍珠是所有人工养殖珍珠中光泽度最亮的一种。

9C【原文参考依据-F】 倒数第二句 The South Sea waters of Australia tend to produce the large pearls;probably because the water along the coast line is suppliced with rich nutrients from the ocean floor.产自澳大利亚的南海海域的珍珠个头一般更大。

10 D 【原文参考依据-G 末句】Unlike Bahrain,which has essentially lost its pearl resource ,traditional pearl fishing is still practiced on a *all in India. 在印度,小规模的传统 潜水 收集珍珠作业仍然存在。

11 TRUE【原文参考依据-C 】第三句话The resulting core is,therefore,much larger than in a natural pearl.因此,人工养殖珍珠的内核比天然珍珠要大。

12 FALSE 【原文参考依据- F第10句话】In general,cultured pearls are less valuable than natural pearls, whereas imitation pearls almost have no value.总体来说,人工养殖珍珠的价值比不过天然珍珠,而人造珍珠就更没有价值可言了。题目中说养殖的珍珠和天然的珍珠价值是一样的 显然是错误的,所以答案是False.

13 TRUE 【原文参考依据- F 倒数第2句话】 he South Sea waters of Australia tend to produce the large pearls;probably because the water along the coast line is suppliced with rich nutrients from the ocean floor.产自澳大利亚的南海海域的珍珠个头一般更大。


雅思阅读技巧之词汇+ 总结


所谓英语词库是英语对英语的词库而非是英语对汉语的词库。每个烤鸭都清楚雅思是国际性考试而非中国性质考试,单词背其中文意思在考试过程中是无效的,题目和 文章 都没有中文的出现。雅思阅读就是在全文中的找答案,可是你所用定位的词很多时候不会老老实实的坐在原文里等着你,这就需要你具备英语 同义词 的能力。

比如剑桥6的67页的list of headings 的 key point 2 的首句中managers should ensure that all employees have specific goals and receive comments on how well they are doing in those goals. 与之相对应的答案是establish targets and give feedback 同意词组为:have specific goals等于establish targets,receive comments on how well they are doing in those goals等于give feedback。

雅思阅读技巧锦囊二:ability to paraphrase

Paraphrase意思是用英文的 句子 或者段落来解释其英文的句子或者段落。对于外语系的孩子来讲这种能力的考试是家常便饭,也就造就了他们的理解能力比非外语系的同学们好很多。这种能力在雅思阅读考试中也是司空见惯的。

例如:剑桥6的43页的判断题10. Cities with high level of bicycles usage can be efficient even when public transport is only averagely good. 很多孩子看见only习惯性判为NO。因为太绝对了。实则不然,答案为YES。对应于原文中two most ‘bicycle friend’ cities considered—Amsterdam and Copenhagen—were very efficient, even though their public transport systems were ‘ reasonable but special.








因此,建议想要取得高分的学员,在掌握每种题型的解题技巧的同时,还需要研究的是考试的出题角度,仔细研究各种题型考察的是何种能力。然后有针对性的去锻炼这方面的能力。14年的雅思阅读考试中,所占比重最大的几类题型为细节 配对 题、是非无判断题、选择题。之前常考的 List of headings对在去年的考试中所占比例并不大。14年几乎每场考试都有细节配对题出现,那么其实可以反映出雅思考试更加注重考生的细节定位能力以及对于材料的理解能力。











以上就是招生信息网小编给大家带来的呼伦贝尔雅思阅读解题技巧解析 雅思阅读动植物类真题及答案:ThePearl,希望能对大家有所帮助。






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